We Do Not Know the Day
or the hour of Christ’s return at the Rapture. But one day billions of people will suddenly vanish from the face of the earth. Are you ready?
- Dr. David Jeremiah
or the hour of Christ’s return at the Rapture. But one day billions of people will suddenly vanish from the face of the earth. Are you ready?
- Dr. David Jeremiah
The neighbors stop by to admire and celebrate Jill’s new car. But as they leave - their disappearance is heard…and then discovered. Learn more about this future prophetic event here.
What is the Rapture? The Rapture is the next event on God’s prophetic timetable. It’s the promise of the Lord that one day He will come and receive us unto Himself before the Tribulation begins on the earth. It’s the blessed hope, the great expectation of every Christian.